MTM ハードケース ハンドガン x2 355x254x80 mm商品番号 hb000038671
定価4,840円のところ [112ポイント進呈 ] 申し訳ございません。ただいま在庫がございません。 カラーバリエーション アイテムイメージ アイテムイメージ
Two Pistol
This case is made to carry either two automatics or two revolvers with barrels up to 8'. There is also space available for a trigger lock (not included) and comes with easy to open snap latches. The case includes two pad lock tabs for security. 809−40 For 2 Automatics or 2 revolvers with barrel up to 8'. 15.5' x 12.2' x 3.6'(Outside Dim.) 14.7' x 10.6' x 3.3'(Inside Dim.) Color(s): Black (40)
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