Wii Tech レンズカバー トリジコン ACOG 4x32 キルフラッシュ 用 メール便 対応商品商品番号 p-hb000078202
当店特別価格1,396円(税込) [38ポイント進呈 ] [ 送料込 ]
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付属品:Oリング BB Proof Lens, ACOG 4x32 killFLASH Item No. : 4036 Weight:4 g This BB Proof Lens has Safe Working Load: 3J. It is made for Trijicon ACOG killFLASH 'AGF−H ARD' (i.e. ACOG 4x32 series). Installation: 1) unscrew the killFLASH body to remove the honeycomb; 2) replace the honeycomb by our BB Proof Lens; 3) place the O−rings on both sides of the Lens (i.e. front & back); 4) screw the killFLASH cap tightly on the killFLASH body. All products are for airsoft only. They are not made for real steel firearms.
新入荷商品 2025.1.17更新 新商品一覧